Number of Categories: 5

This section contains resources for members about parental and personal carer's leave.


IEU members must make sure they are logged in in The IEU Zone to have access to this information.

folder_doc.png Accreditation
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The IEU has developed several guides and handbooks to supplement the accreditation process.

All of the information in guidebooks reflects NESA policy. Please check your employer's accreditation policy for any differences and be mindful of them when completing your accreditation. For example, your employer may have a particular template they wish you to use for annotations or observations.

If your employers asks for things that are significantly beyond NESA's policy, we encourage you to get in contact with the IEU at accreditation@ieu.asn.au

IEU members must make sure they are logged in in The IEU Zone to have access to this information.

Here are resources for IEU members from ME Bank.

Here are materials relating to the Reclaim the Profession Work.

Here are some useful documents for pre service teachers who are still studying at university.

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