I’ve been aware of educational resource sites for a while now – they’ve gradually been growing in appeal, I guess, as more and more people start to have access to the internet and it becomes easier to manage transactions across the web. You could call it the ‘Amazonisation’ of teaching, I guess. For the most part, the large and well known sites were the ones set up by educational publishers – and while I’ve never really seen these used effectively across a whole school (but I have seen individual teachers make use of them very effectively)  – I can see the benefit and I’ve generally found them to be of reasonably high quality. For the most part, the sites are an add-on

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Soul-searching and navel gazing into the quality of teaching and teacher education in Australia has been rife lately. There were already concerns about the decline in Australia’s international rankings. Then came the Grattan Report that identified a lack of engagement amongst large numbers of students in Australia’s schools. More recently we have series showing on SBS called Testing Teachers that focuses on a controversial model that proposes to put ‘quality’ teachers into our most disadvantaged schools.

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