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When members apply to join they join two Unions, The NSW IEU and the NSW/ACT IEUA.
NSW IEU:- A Brief History
1954 Founded as the Assistant Masters’ Association (AMA).
1957 Registered as a Trade Union.
Struggled for numbers and relevance with membership max of 150.
1966 Women admitted and name changed to Assistant Masters’ and Mistresses’ Association (AMMA).
Women and lay teachers in Catholic schools join in significant numbers.
1967 AGM decides to seek an Industrial Award.
1970 1stAward made (Assistant Masters’ and Mistresses’ in Non-Government Schools [State] Award).
1971 1stIndustrial dispute notified, the issue – teachers required to sweep classrooms.
1971 Appointed 1stfull time Secretary (John Nicholson), leased office space in Chatswood, topped 1,000 members.
1972 named changed to Independent Teachers’ Association (ITA), membership 1,084.
1977 1stfull time Organiser appointed (Michael Raper) membership 3,954.
1980 New Council and Annual Conference structure adopted with new constitution, membership 5,603.
1981 Newsmonth Vol 1 No 1 membership 6,511, 12 branches, a Secretary, Industrial officer and 2 Organisers.
1984 Significant split in Executive and Council over Union direction, Left v Right. Left wins most Executive positions.
1989 Dick Shearman becomes General Secretary, membership 14,104.
1993/4 Union gains coverage of School Assistants then Clerical staff.
1994 Name changed to NSW Independent Education Union, membership 16,265.
2014 Membership exceeds 32,000.
Below is a brief pictorial and statistical presentation about the IEU NSW/ACT. It was part of a presentation by Assistant Secretary Mark Northam at the 2016 IEU Activist's Conference.