When members apply to join they join two Unions, The NSW IEU and the NSW/ACT IEUA.

NSW IEU:- A Brief History

  • 1954 Founded as the Assistant Masters’ Association (AMA).
  • 1957 Registered as a Trade Union.
  • Struggled for numbers and relevance with membership max of 150.
  • 1966 Women admitted and name changed to Assistant Masters’ and Mistresses’ Association (AMMA).
  • Women and lay teachers in Catholic schools join in significant numbers.
  • 1967 AGM decides to seek an Industrial Award.
  • 1970 1stAward made (Assistant Masters’ and Mistresses’ in Non-Government Schools [State] Award).
  • 1971 1stIndustrial dispute notified, the issue – teachers required to sweep classrooms.
  • 1971 Appointed 1stfull time Secretary (John Nicholson), leased office space in Chatswood, topped 1,000 members.
  • 1972 named changed to Independent Teachers’ Association (ITA), membership 1,084.
  • 1977 1stfull time Organiser appointed (Michael Raper) membership 3,954.
  • 1980 New Council and Annual Conference structure adopted with new constitution, membership 5,603.
  • 1981 Newsmonth Vol 1 No 1 membership 6,511, 12 branches, a Secretary, Industrial officer and 2 Organisers.
  • 1984 Significant split in Executive and Council over Union direction, Left v Right. Left wins most Executive positions.
  • 1989 Dick Shearman becomes General Secretary, membership 14,104.
  • 1993/4 Union gains coverage of School Assistants then Clerical staff.
  • 1994 Name changed to NSW Independent Education Union, membership 16,265.
  • 2014 Membership exceeds 32,000.

Below is a brief pictorial and statistical presentation about the IEU NSW/ACT. It was part of a presentation by Assistant Secretary Mark Northam at the 2016 IEU Activist's Conference.


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