Disconnection with community and teenager radicalisation

Christian Piccolini talks about how disconnection as a teenager from his identity, community and purpose led him down the path of radicalisation, and how he found his way back out again.

Christian Piccoloni was a 14 year old teenager of Italian immigrant background living in the USA. He tells the story of his disaffection with his community and how the attention of a strong male role model led him down the pathway of radicalisation and America's neo-Nazi movement, until he became a public advocate of white supremacy.

As you watch the video, consider these reflection questions:

  • What are the signifiers that a child or teenager may be experiencing disaffection, disconnection or lose of identify, community and purpose?
    • Who should be informed if you notice these feelings being expressed?
  • What community building events could be arranged by a school/centre to help re-associate or reconnect disconnected children teenagers?
  • What resources would you seek if you saw the signs of radicalisation or undue influence on a child's/teenager's thinking?
  • How can you assist a child/student who may be embedded in a community that promotes radicalised thought and action?


We recommend that this reflection activity and wide viewing would be Teacher Identified professional development meeting 4.4.2 for NESA and 4.4 for ACT TQI.


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