Teaching Human Rights

The American Federation of Teachers has created three different resources to assist teachers with teaching human rights.

The AFT's resources are separated into three categories:

  • Educating for Democracy: Voting
  • Educating for Democracy: Speech
  • Educating for Democracy: Free press

Of course, thee resources are created by Americans for American classrooms/students in mind, but there may be some resources here that are worth considering and adapting to Australian classrooms and content.

Here's the link to find the resources.

Reflection activity

As you review the resources, consider:

  • Which activities are useful for Australian students to undertake
  • Which resources/content do I need to replace to ensure the Australian context is clear to the students?


The IEU recommends that reviewing the resources for inclusion in your classroom practice would meet Standard Descriptor 3.4.2 (NSW) and 3.4 (ACT) 'Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning'.


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